Our past
The history of the Maple Corner Store stretches back to the mid 1800’s when it was known as the Red Shop in Maple Corner, owned by Abdiel Kent. In the early 1900’s it was converted to a mill by local entrepreneur G. Elgin Mann (who apparently kept crocodiles in his bathtub). He added a blacksmith shop, garage, and the Daylight Department Store. Elgin leased this conglomerate to Howard & Esther Lackey in 1925. Longtime residents Elaine and Stanley Fitch remember dancing in the aisles to a record player in between notions and groceries. This tradition would continue in the more modern venue of the Whammy Bar (see below). The Lackey’s Store had a front porch that hosted children of all ages for leisurely chats and enjoying fresh ice-cream. Many a Calais young person found summer and after school employment in the store and the Co-Op. This tradition continues to this day.
In 1945 the store was sold to the Adamant Co-Op. A fire consumed the original structure in 1947, causing the store to temporarily take up residence in the Maple Corner Community Center. The new more modern structure is the result of that blaze. It was originally the small, boxy one story concrete block building seen below. The second story and the additions that now house the Post Office, the Whammy Bar, and the back store-room were added later.
The store as originally rebuilt after the fire of 1947.
There are many fond memories associated with the Co-Op, of penny candy (that tradition continues), and Montpelier crackers and cheddar cheese. And rather than motoring to Worcester or East Montpelier, gas was also available. Both Co-Ops’ fortunes waxed and waned and in 1973 a decision was made to sell the Maple Corner location to a private owner.
It remained in private ownership for 46 years, until a small group of dedicated community leaders banded together and drew up a plan to purchase the store and maintain it as an important central gathering place of our community. In December of 2019, the Maple Corner Store was officially purchased by the Maple Corner Community Store, a C-Corp owned by 200 community shareholders.
Prior to the community purchase, the most recent private owners of the Maple Corner Store were community residents Artie & Nancy Toulis, whose vision and energy made the store a warm and welcoming village hub with many community activities, and eventually adding the Whammy Bar, which quickly became a thriving Maple Corner staple.
who we are today
Now community-owned and re-named, the Maple Corner Community Store is nestled in the heart of the village surrounded by the Maple Corner Community Center, Curtis Pond, and the old Maple Corner Schoolhouse. Aside from providing those staples that we all seem to run out of just when needed, the store continues to serve as a social crossroads for residents and visitors alike who, after shopping in the store or stopping at the post office, find time to chat and exchange information .
Most unique is the Whammy Bar, a live music venue that hosts local and regional talent, as well as the famous open mic night. One night each week performers ranging from 10-year-old drummers to seasoned musicians take to the stage. All are greeted with respect and uproarious applause. The Whammy Bar typifies the soul and spirit of the community, where patrons and performers alike are embraced with unconditional positive regard.
While much has changed around us, it is comforting to know that in our tiny community much has stayed the same. Over one hundred years later the Maple Corner Community Store is still a place to connect with friends and neighbors, share family and community news, make some plans, and continue to knit the fabric of our lives together. The store provides the foundation from which we can nurture our need for connection and interdependence, and for continuing to experience community as extended family.
The Management and Board of Directors of the Maple Corner Community Store hope that the central role the store has played in our community’s treasured past continues for generations to come. Thanks for being a loyal patron; together our community can truly thrive!